Sunday, April 10, 2011

Color Scheme Samples

Media Decoder
Monochromatic - This blog is very simple, it's mostly white with some black. If there's any color, it comes from the photos in the posts. It's a New York Times blog, so it's not surprising that the color scheme is so simple. The content, in this case, the writing, is the star.

Charcoal Template for Blogger
Analogous - The colors in this blog are close to each other in value while remaining different enough to provide contrast. It's a very dark template and the colors are, in my opinion, too close to each other. The colors seems very unsaturated.

Saturated - Considering this is a site about cute animals, it's no surprise the colors are saturated. "Cute" things usually revolve around bright colors. It matches the content well, all the posts feature brightly colored photos.

Integral Template
Complementary - It uses blue and green to good effect. They work well together and do not distract from the content.

Forum Template: Salsa
Unsaturated - This one uses lighter shades of red and yellow. Both colors, fully saturated, would be too much for one page to deal with. They probably could have desaturated the colors a little more as it's still a bit much.

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